(Disclosure: most of the links in this page are affiliate links)
Table of Contents
Welcome to my monetization page!
What is this page about?
Seriously, this page is meant to collect all the ways this blog can or could generate some money to me.
Before moving on, please take a look at my Transparency page, where you can find my opinions, plans, and uncertainties about ethic and monetization.
Will update this page over time, stay tuned 🙂
For now, if you really want to offer me a coffee you have the following options:
Hire me!
Take a look at my services on the Services page.
Affiliate Links
I sometimes recommend products, and get some money from the merchants.
At the moment I recommend products on Amazon, my favorite broker Interactive Brokers, and the Cembra Cumulus Mastercard.
Disclaimer (Per gli Italiani): le attivita’ di Mr. RIP non costituiscono “consulenza finanziaria personalizzata” né si possono configurare quale “consulenza in materia di investimenti” ai sensi del comma 5-septies dell’ art. 1 del tuf.
In January 2021 I’ve joined the Amazon affiliate program, and some of the links to books and other products on this website are affiliate links. I will add an Affiliate Disclosure note on top of each page who lists affiliate products. I will also try to add an Asterisk(*) next to every affiliate link (not only Amazon) to make it clear it’s an affiliate link.
In the meantime, if you want to contribute to this blog at no extra cost for you, you can shop on Amazon at no extra costs for you using these links:
- amazon.com(*) for US readers.
- amazon.it(*) for Italian (or Swiss) readers.
- amazon.de(*) for German (or Swiss) readers.
- amazon.co.uk(*) for UK readers.
Interactive Brokers
Disclaimer (Per gli Italiani): le attivita’ di Mr. RIP non costituiscono “consulenza finanziaria personalizzata” né si possono configurare quale “consulenza in materia di investimenti” ai sensi del comma 5-septies dell’ art. 1 del tuf.
I’m a happy IB customer since 2016.
Check out my posts about IB:
- Interactive Brokers 101
- What’s the minimum amount that makes sense to start investing on Interactive Brokers?
- Interactive Brokers: thanks Brexit, screw you!
If you visit IB page thru my affiliate link, I get a few Dollars.
Disclaimer (Per gli Italiani): le attivita’ di Mr. RIP non costituiscono “consulenza finanziaria personalizzata” né si possono configurare quale “consulenza in materia di investimenti” ai sensi del comma 5-septies dell’ art. 1 del tuf.
Cembra Cumulus Mastercard
I have been using the Cumulus Mastercard since February 2017 and I love it! It rewards you with 0.33% cashback, and it’s free of charge.
If you sign up using my affiliate link, you and I both get 1500 Points (15 CHF).
This website accepts donations 🙂
There are two ways: PayPal Me, and Ko-Fi.


Thank you 🙂