Category: Finances

January 2017 Financial Update

Hi RIP voyeurs, January 2017 is gone. It’s been freezing cold here in Switzerland with temperatures below zero all the time. Anyway, new year new […]

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November 2016 Financial Update – I’m Billionaire!

Hi RIP voyeurs, November 2016 is gone. Typing these words from Isla Mujeres in Mexico, with a sheetty internet connection but an amazing view and ~30 […]

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October 2016 Financial Update – Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita… (halfway done!)

Hi RIP voyeurs, October 2016 is gone. Amazing autumn here in Switzerland, colourful leaves all over the places and still not as cold as expected. As end-of-month […]

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September 2016 Financial Update – “Shame on us” edition

Hi RIP voyeurs 🙂 September 2016 is gone. Still nice weather in Switzerland, I guess it’s the hottest September ever seen. As end-of-month routine I’m here […]

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NW Spreadsheet improved – plus a taste of my current investment strategy

Hello friends, I’ve updated my NW spreadsheet to include a NW tracker (historical too) and my real time portfolio allocation strategy and monitoring. You’re obviously free to copy it […]

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August 2016 Financial Update – “how to save more than 80% of your take home pay” edition

Hi all, August 2016 is gone. Amazing weather and a lot of fun here in Switzerland! As end-of-month routine I’m here showing my numbers! Off topic: I’m […]

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My Net Worth

Today I’m going to take another small break before the “season finale” of my financial and professional story and I’ll introduce my Net Worth spreadsheet. […]

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