Author: MrRIP

Retire in progress...

My Financial Story – Chapter 4 – Dream Job Number 1: Research in Robotics

This is the fourth chapter in my financial story series. In the previous chapter I became an engineer and engineered my first financial failure. Here I’ll show you how […]

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My Financial Story – Chapter 3 – University

This is the third chapter in my financial story series. In the previous chapter I was a high school student with millions in my bank. Here I’ll show […]

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My Financial Story – Chapter 2 – High School and Maturity

This is the second chapter in my financial story series. In the previous chapter I discussed the preteen era and first contact with money, here I’m going to show you […]

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My Financial Story – Chapter 1 – Education and School

This is the first of a series of several posts about my financial story. Here I’m going to talk about my secondary school years and my first contact with money […]

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