Are we spendypants? RIP vs The Average Swiss

Hi frugal RIP friends, In the previous post about my FIWE trip report I mentioned how I felt like being the spendypants of the party. […]

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Financial Independence Week Europe (FIWE) 2018 Report – RIP’s trip in Romania

Hi RIP friends, Last month, in June, we’ve been traveling for 2 weeks in Italy to attended a wedding and let grandparents play with BabyRIP […]

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June 2018 Financial Update – Million Impossible

Hi RIP voyeurs, It’s been an intense month in RIP neighborhood. Travels, weddings & funerals, babyRIP demanding attention, actual work and so on. I didn’t […]

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May Financial Update – The Italian Joke

Hi RIPvoyeurs, Let’s welcome summer to Switzerland! It’s been an amazingly hot month, with some thunderstorm along the way 🙂 I’m traveling the first days […]

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April Financial Update – When 2 become 3 :)

Hi RIPvoyeurs, Yeah, I know, I said I would post quarterly financial updates… but so many things changed this month, and I wanted to give you […]

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Spring Cleaning my Investments

Psssst… yes, it’s a 5k words article as usual, but SPOILER ALERT halfway thru the article there’s a section with best ETF selection by Mr RIP! […]

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I will invest when the market drops

I will invest when the market drops! Welcome back my imaginary friend 🙂 What do you mean, exactly? P.S. You look amazing in blue! Thanks […]

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2018 Q1 (Jan-Feb-Mar) Financial Update

Hi RIPpers, We’ve already sent 25% of 2018 home, I can’t believe it! How fast is this thing called “life” going?? Anyway, my dear voyeurs, […]

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