Monthly Learning Journal 17 (5/7/2021)

(Disclosure: links marked with an asterisk * are affiliate links)

Hi RIP readers, welcome to the July 2021 edition of the Monthly Learning journal (MLJ).

This month edition is pretty dry because I’ve been on vacation for two weeks and didn’t focus much on learning new stuff.

Next Episode on Monday August 2nd, 2021.


RIP News

What happened in the RIP World during last month?

Not much, I’ve mostly been on vacation.

… and Ripsters didn’t left me alone even in Apulia 🙂


Main Content

The most interesting resources I consumed during last month

Paul Graham’s A Project of One’s Own

There is something special about working on a project of your own. I wouldn’t say exactly that you’re happier. A better word would be excited, or engaged. You’re happy when things are going well, but often they aren’t.

You have moments of happiness when things work out, but they don’t last long, because then you’re on to the next problem. So why do it at all? Because to the kind of people who like working this way, nothing else feels as right. You feel as if you’re an animal in its natural habitat, doing what you were meant to do — not always happy, maybe, but awake and alive.

You’re talking to me, Paul.

Bonus: David Perell

Bonus: Nat Eliason

Tim Ferriss show with Maria Popova

This episode is awesome. I felt like being there with them. It seemed a conversation I was involved in. Creativity and content Creation. Maria is the person behind Brain Pickings

More To That about Content vs Art

Make “Art”, not just “Content”.

Make Classics, Not Content

Our Next Life about retiring the FIRE Movement

Is FIRE really dead?

Raptitude about how to remember you’re alive

One way to appreciate virtually any moment of your life is to pretend that the whole thing is already over. Your life came and went a long time ago, but for some reason you’ve just been sent back to this random moment, here in this office chair, or in line at Home Depot.

Nice technique to feel every moment meaningful. It helped me during last (tough) week.

The Italian Leather Sofa about Options

Many good points, few missing ingredients (uncompensated currency risk) and a few mistakes in my opinions.

Nick Maggiulli about Winning the game too early

Getting Rich Quick doesn’t lead to happiness.

Bonus: Spencer Cornelia

Yuko Munakata TEDx on Why Most Parenting Advice is Wrong

Interesting, but too much erring on the Nature Hypothesis (vs Nurture).

Tech Lead about Iron/Titan crypto scam

Yeah, then he just launched his own crypto scam: Million (which is at the end of the pump phase today).

I love the smell of the SEC in the morning.

Coffeezilla about Crypto Scam Influencers

Thanks Coffee for your work!

The Plain Bagel about conflict of interest and online stock pumpers

I correct myself: thanks Coffee and Richard (and Spencer) for your hard work fighting these scammers!

Spencer Cornelia about OnlyFans

Or… “how Patreon lost the battle because of porn” 😀


Something Tweet for your brain

You gonna feed it!

Venkatesh Rao on Burnout for White Collars

Twitter Link

Ali Abdaal on starting a YouTube Channel

Twitter Link

Noah Kagan will pay you 100k to find his company CEO

Twitter Link

Brad Kaellner on Value Investing

Twitter Link

Miguel De Icaza Thread on Bitcoin and US Dollar

Twitter Link

Sloww about Vertical vs Horizontal Development

Twitter Link

FUN Stuff

Try not to laugh!

Wendover Production about India and Bangladesh border


ITA – The Crypto Gateway about how to create a shitcoin from scratch

It seems Techlead watched this video…

LongBeachGriffy about Pyramid schemes

Discovered this short videos channel few days ago and devoured all of its content 😀


Leisure Corner

We need mental challenges, but we also need Leisure time

ITA – Esami (and old web series with Edoardo Ferrario)

Very fun and incredibly well done for an almost 10 years old web series before YouTubeing was a profession.

ITA – Volevo Solo Vendere la Pizza*

You ever thought about opening a pizzeria in Italy? Think twice, and read this book first.

200 pages of bureaucratic nightmares.


Weird Wild Web

Let’s be honest, this is the web we love


Mini rabbit hole here. One night this word appeared on my mind. AirDND. How cool would it be to host people on AirBNB and offer them a D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) experience?

Genius! Idea of he millennia! I’m going to be a millionaire! Wait, I’m already a millionaire… Anyway, give me moar money!

Of course I googled for it and discovered not only it was already a thing (the most depressing thing of our era is that everything has already been invented), but it’s been around for many years, there are many airdnders around the world, there’s a logo and merchandise for it, blog entries on how to become a host, and there’s already an overloading of meaning: in Netherland they launched a Drink’n’Dine (AirDND) experience, soon renamed ShareDND – I suspect for copyrights claim from AirBNB.

I think this r/dnd entry was the beginning of everything, 6 years ago. Awesome!


Science Lab


Veritasium on Mathematics and its Flaws

Veritasium video quality is skyrocketing lately.

MinuteEarth about Fever

Short video on why we develop fever and what’s useful for.

Domains Of Science about superconductors

DoS videos are an immense pleasure to watch, especially for a person like me who needs to contextualize everything!

Kurzgesagt about the day dinosaurs died

What happened back in the asteroid days?


Have You Reddit?

The best of the month on (SFW) Reddit

r/findapath: What will be the greatest lasting impact of a ‘work from home’ economy?

I love this kind of speculative threads!

ITA – r/fireIT: Passive Income in Italy

Some ideas, nothing exceptionally new, a deep dive into what commenters think is “passive income”, and a few scam being mentioned.

r/fatFIRE: fatFIRE and my wife

Fuck, already deleted by the author… I should save the thread I enjoy! Anyway, you can reconstruct the dilemma from the comments 😉

EDIT: thanks to reader ebalsa for the link to “removeddit” 😀

That’s all for this month 🙂




  1. Mr. Rip, I use a RSS Feed and it doesn’t show full text of your articles (but just a brief summary, it should be what you put in the “excerpt” section while writing the article in WordPress).

    Is there a reason why you chose to just show in RSS an excerpt or could you help me in any way? 🙂

    Btw, “Esami” is the YT Show I periodically watch, about every month, something like that, because it is fun and it is so true, so it is mandatory if you are / used to be a university student. 🙂

    1. yes, the reason to send excerpts instead of full articles in the feed (and to the mail subscribers) is that my articles are usually very heavy (easily above 5k words).

  2. Vacation is always good, it helps clear your thoughts. I wish you all the best with your near term events.

    I skimmed through your learning references and find a lot of marketers (aka professional bullshiters) you seem to take advice from or recommend. I mean Venkatesh Rao, Tim Ferriss, Paul Graham, etc. I would only take advice from them, if I would like to become like them. They are more fit for an 18 years old boy who is starting to discover the world. Sure Paul Graham is apparently rich, but this is not what I mean.

    Disclosure: about 20 years ago I used to read them and even buy their books.

    1. I don’t think Venkatesh Rao, Tim Ferriss, Paul Graham are “marketers”, actually they collectively have almost nothing to sell to you.
      I actually think you comment is pure garbage and I don’t mark it as a spam because it’s easier to track the number of assholes this way. This number is dangerously going up, and that’s not fun. On the other side, you’re all using fake emails, so maybe there’s just a single giant asshole. Let’s hope for that.

      1. My bookcase begs to differ. Cheap trash and valuable lesson learned. Each and everyone of those mentioned above has something to sell. You pay with money and mostly your time.

        It seems I got to you even if I had no intention to. Someone doesn’t agree to your views so he is an asshole. Potentially the “giant asshole.” Hunt him, annihilate him and everything will be just fine. Hurry up.

        Btw, do you really expect that I would give away my email address on a random forum. Hmmm, nice try. Some of us enjoy the luxury of having a smaller fingerprint on the net. There are enough ways to make money without giving away details from your life.

  3. What a comprehensive round-up here! Out of all the things you’ve recommended I’d love to check out Wendover Production about India and Bangladesh border. I actually crossed this border in 2010 by bus going from Kolkata, India to Dhaka, Bangladesh. It took the entire day and the bus broke down a few times…lol

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