2021 Q2 Financial VIDEO Update

Hi RIPsters,

I’ve recorded a video version of the Quarterly Financial Update this month, in English Language.

I don’t plan to also write a long form post about it. Yeah, I know, I’m sorry.

My life is a mess these days.

I hope you enjoy it!

Here you can find the Net Worth Spreadsheet (with a few new sheets!)  and the 2021 Expenses  Spreadsheet.

TL;DR of the financial quarter for household RIP NW: +24k CHF / +31k EUR.

All time high. Not too bad,  mostly thank to an amazing June.


  1. It’s +35k in EUR… by any chance, do you want to give me the exceeding 4? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Don’t worry about the short blog post, as long as it’s whisky!

    1. You’re right, I forgot how to count that low! 😀

      Let’s party!!

      And July is gonna be amaz… wait, what the hell happened to USD yesterday? O_o

      1. Oops, I thought I’ve hit reply to your “wait, what the hell happened to USD yesterday?” comment.

  2. Hi MrRip, congratulations for your blog! I’m kind of the same working situation you describe at Hooli and almost reach FI but still evaluating what to do… I’d be interested to know – in the assumption you will relocate to Italy – the budget you’re considering for your first house (if you think to buy) or how much rent are you considering out of your 4k/month of expenses…

  3. Mr Rip thank you for this interesting blog! And all your transparency.
    What I don’t understand even after looking at all your spreadsheet blogs, and hope you can explain, is how you account for USD stock values and profits against the cost of the currency at the time you bought it -( and further how you track that ongoing from each purchase) to separate currency gains and losses from the stock gains and losses (especially for those etfs that are based on US- only companies). I would think you are constantly exchanging Chf to USD so it matters overtime when you need to sell all those usd to live in Europe? And to see if it’s really worth investing in USD and at what level? I see you include how many shares you bought at what price but without the associated currency costs (or benefits) does it make for a clear enough picture?
    Look forward to reading your thoughts.

    1. Hi MC,
      I simply gave up with tracking exact performances of my investments in my base currency.
      I do track how much I own at any point in time, and I do track realtime currency conversion to measure my Net Worth progression.

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