Author: MrRIP

Retire in progress...

Patti Chiari – The Full Story

Hi RIPsters,

I know, I’ve been missing on this blog for quite some time. I’m playing probably too much with my YouTube and Twitch channels (check my events page if you want to follow my live streams).

Yeah, I know, I owe you an update on the mess, and it’s coming (hopefully) soon.

Meanwhile, yesterday, on Friday May 28th, on RSI LA1 aired a Patti Chiari episode where I’ve been featured (sorry, Italian language only).

In my opinion this 15 minutes episode is really good, especially from a “storytelling” point of view. It’s a very very simplified version of the 10+ hours long analysis I’ve run on both their policies.

I’ve written this post is to show you some extra details, and my process to come up with the conclusion shared on the show.

And of course, the spreadsheet I’ve used for the simulation ๐Ÿ™‚

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Monthly Learning Journal 15 (3/5/2021)

Hi RIP readers, welcome to the May 2021 edition of the Monthly Learning journal (MLJ).

A lot of high quality content has reached my attention recently, mainly because you – my readers – are pointing me toward amazing resources. I guess 40% of this MLJ episode has been recommended by you. It’s becoming a collective “monthly best of the web” magazine. I’m just the flag bearer.

Today MLJ themes are… well, it’s hard to extract a few common themes this month, which means I’m getting distracted too much, following too many threads.

Next Episode on Monday June 7th, 2021.


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2021 Q1 Personal and Financial Update

Hi RIP readers,

Welcome to 2021 Q1 Personal, Professional, and Financial update for RIP family.

This update is a special one: I’ve conducted the financial part Live on my YouTube Channel (in English Language) on March 31st!

It’s 2h40 long, more or less the time it takes to read a post on my blog anyway ๐Ÿ˜€

I will not repeat myself in full in this Financial Update. I will link the video (hopefully the right timestamp), and add screenshot and extra considerations when necessary.

Do not mind, we’ll end up above 5k words anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰

Let’s get started.


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Monthly Learning Journal 14 (5/4/2021)

Hi RIP readers, welcome to the April 2021 edition of the Monthly Learning journal (MLJ).

I thought I couldn’t make it on time this month, but I did “whatever it takes” to make it happen, including a covid test (negative), and a cut on sleeping time.

Anyway, today MLJ themes are: NFTs, NFTs and NFTs. Joking, there are few entries on Creator/Passion Economies, and some on Investing / Market Bubbles.

This MLJ is also available in my public Roam Database with expanded notes when available (not many today), and some extra content ๐Ÿ˜‰

Next Episode on Monday May 3rd, 2021.


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Hi Ripsters,

This is a quick post about what’s going on in the RIP Empire Building.

It’s been a very intense March 2021 for me, and it’s not over yet!

Before we start, save the date: March 31st 2021: Live spreadsheet update on YouTube!ย 


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My take on Cryptocurrencies โ€“ Part 2: The Bad

Hi Ripsters,

I didn’t plan to write about Crypto today. It’s not a topic that interests me much. But every other question I receive is about Cryptos and NFTs, and I think it might make sense to vomit my thoughts about this fantastic world that my boomer brain can’t fully grasp.

I sometimes question my possibilist approach to almost everything. I will find convincing reasons behind every side of each debate about any topic. I’m aware of the work required to have an opinion and I do my best to keep my opinions at bay when I haven’t done all “the work required”. The more I look for “the truth”, the more I discover that I know nothing.

John Snowcrates is my hero.

But on the crypto thing, truth is so clear to me that I need to pay respect to my biases. I’ve looked for other sides of reality, listened to respectable exponents of the crypto-enthusiasts crowd, and approached the global discussion with an open attitude.

The more I look around, the more I think I see it clearly: in their current form, cryptos are Ponzi schemes. And NFTs are Ponzi schemes squared.

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The Almanack of Paul Graham

Hi Ripsters,

I’m a huge fan of Paul Graham.

Paul is the co-founder of Y Combinator and one of the greatest essayist of modern era.

I’ve read I guess 70% of his essays, several of them multiple times (I reached double digits re-readings count on The age of the Essay) and I’ve already shared some of his essays in my Learning Journals with you in the past months.

A good chunk of my life philosophy has been influenced by Paul’s writing. I wish I had his writings available when I was younger. Luckily you, 20-years-younger-than-me reader, have access today to his entire body of work.

Few months ago this crazy idea popped up in my mind: I wanted to write The Almanack of Paul Graham.

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My experimentations with Covered Calls Part 1: Why and What

Hi dear Ripsters,

This is the first post of a short(?) series of posts about my experimentations with Stock Options, in particular with Covered Calls.

In this episode I’ll show you what is a covered call, and why adding them to your portfolio might be a good idea.

I plan to write more posts about my option trades, how to trade options with Interactive Brokers, and… I don’t know yet, it’s a relatively new topic for me! I’ll surely document the evolution of my strategy over time, the mistakes I make, and the lessons I learn.

Your feedback is very well welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

Again, managing options is dangerous. like playing with a knife. It can be the most useful tool in the world, but you do one thing wrong and you cut your finger. I’m only using this tool to reduce risk.


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Monthly Learning Journal 13 (1/3/2021)

Hi RIP readers, welcome to the March 2021 edition of the Monthly Learning journal (MLJ).

Luckily for you, this edition will be shorter than usual… LOL, why do I keep promising the unpromisable?

I’ve had a crazy second half of February (going public, going viral, launching services, hundreds of people reaching me out…) where I had literally no extra time to read, watch, listen and learn. Let’s not even talk about “leisure”…

Anyway, Today MLJ themes are: Wealth, Investing, Thinking, and being a multitude ๐Ÿ™‚

This MLJ is also available in my public Roam Database with expanded notes when available, and some extra content ๐Ÿ˜‰

Next Episode on Monday April 5th, 2021. (in 5 weeks this time, with 25% more content!)


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